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Workshops: ICOAI 2020 & ICOSP 2020

ICCSIT 2020 - October 14-16, 2020 - Virtual Conference

This year, due to COVID-19 pandemic and pervasive travel restrictions worldwide, the organizing committee had to host the conferences online.

We were delighted that four renowned speakers shared with us their research works. They are Prof. Song Guo (IEEE Fellow) from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong; Prof. Fakhri Karray (IEEE Fellow) from University of Waterloo, Canada; Prof. James Xiaojiang Du (IEEE Fellow) from Temple University, USA and Prof. Smain Femmam from University of Haute-Alsace, France.

The participants were from Russia, Bulgaria, Hungary, South Korea, Taiwan, China, Pakistan, etc., nearly 10 countries and regions. One best presentation selected from each parallel session.



Prof. Smain Femmam
University of Haute-Alsace, France
Prof. Song Guo (IEEE Fellow)
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong


Prof. Fakhri Karray (IEEE Fellow)
University of Waterloo, Canada
Prof. James Xiaojiang Du (IEEE Fellow)
Temple University, USA

Prof. Haibin Zhu
Nipissing University, Canada


 Best Presenters 

  Session   Best Presenters
  Technical Session 1   Seokjung Kim
  Korea University, South Korea
  Technical Session 2   Wenhui Chen
  National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan