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Workshops: ICOAI 2016 & ICOSP 2016

ICCSIT 2016 - December 8-11, 2016 - Limerick City, Ireland

Photo Gallery

Part of participators visited the University of Limerick.


Excellent Oral Presentation Award

Session 1 Session 2

Speech Title: How Human Inspired Learning enhances the Behavior of Autonomous Agents

Presented by Martin Fittner, Institute of Computer Technology, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria

Speech Title: Image Analysis and Pattern Extraction of Proteins Classes from One-Dimensional Gels Electrophoresis

Presented by F. Cai, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands
Session 3 Session 4
Speech Title: Rough Fuzzy C-means and Particle Swarm Optimization Hybridized Method for Information Clustering Problem

Presented by F. Cai, Leiden Unversity, The Netherlands
Speech Title: Making Automobiles a Part of the Internet of Things

Presented by Nikola Ivković, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Croatia
Session 5 Session 6
Speech Title: Deep Feature Extraction for Multi-class Intrusion Detection in Industrial Control Systems

Presented by Sasanka Potluri, Institute for Automation Engineering, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
Speech Title: HIPR: An Architecture for Iterative Plan Repair in Hierarchical Multi-agent Systems

Presented by Swarup Kumar Mohalik, Ericsson Research, India