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ICCSIT 2013 - Dec 20-21, 2013 - Paris, France

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Best Paper Awards

Session 1
Speech Title: Mode-based Scheduling with Fast Mode-signaling-A Method for Efficient Usage of Network Time Slots
Presented by Tobias Braun, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany

Session 2
Speech Title: Managing Product Variants by Project Centralization
Presented by Lei Ma, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Session 3
Speech Title: Automatic Judgment System for Chinese Retroflex and Dental Affricates Pronounced by Japanese Students
Presented by Akemi Hoshino, Toyama National College of Technology, Japan

Session 4
Speech Title: Clustering Analysis with Combination of Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm and k-means Technique
Presented by Mohammad Reza Farmani, University of Cagliari, Italy