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Submission Instruction

Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical papers, for publication in the International Journals and for oral presentation during the conference.

  • Language: All submissions should be written in English.

  • Submission Types: Abstract submission for presentation only without publication; Full paper submission for both presentation and publication.

  • Paper Length: The submitted papers should be no less than 8 pages. Papers exceeding 10 pages will not be charged.

   Submit Your Manuscript 

1. Submit your full paper or abstract directly to Electronic Submission System.

2. The conference secretary will assign a Paper ID to the submission from within three working days. To ensure receipt of all correspondence from the conference, please add as acceptable emails to receive.

   Review Process 

  1. Each paper will be subject to preliminary review such as relevance to the conference topics, repeated publication and repeated submission. The conference secretary will inform authors the preliminary review result via email around 10 days. Papers found to commit plagiarism or repeated publications will be rejected directly, and the left will be sent to guest editors.

  2. Guest editors will appoint 2-3 suitable TPC members / sub-reviewers to review each paper based on the reviewers' research fields and topics of the submissions. Reviewers will be allotted 1-2 weeks to finish the review reports.

  3. Guest editors make decisions (accept, accept with minor revision, accept with major revision, and reject) according to the review reports. If necessary, the guest editor will discuss with other TPC chairs in reaching the final decision.

  4. The acceptance or rejection notification along with the review comments will be sent to authors via email. Revisions (accept with minor revision and accept with major revision) should be made before the deadline and sent back for review again until meet the accept standard, and the revised articles will also be reviewed by the initial reviewers.

   Prevent Plagiarism 

ICCSIT is utterly intolerant of plagiarism. Submitted papers are expected to contain original work executed by the authors with adequate, proper and scholarly citations to the work of others. It is the job of the authors to clearly identify both their own contribution(s) and also published results / techniques on which they depend or build. Reviewers are charged to ensure these standards are met.