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Workshops: ICOAI 2021 & ICOSP 2021 & WBDS 2021 & WIOTT 2021

ICCSIT 2021 - October 15-17, 2021 - Virtual Conference

ICCSIT 2O21 was expected to be held in Paris, France during October 15-17, 2021. It finally converted into full virtual mode due to COVID-19.

Three renowned keynote speakers shared with us their research works. They were Prof. Kwang-Cheng Chen (IEEE Fellow) from University of South Florida, USA; Prof. Inkyu Lee (IEEE Fellow) from Korea University, South Korea; Prof. James Xiaojiang Du (IEEE Fellow) from Stevens Institute of Technology, USA. In addition, three experts also delivered invited speeches.

What's more, presenters from about 20 countries and regions including France, Canada, China, Japan, UK, USA and Switzerland shared their latest research works with us. These presentations were divided into four sessions.


 Keynote Speakers 

Prof. Kwang-Cheng Chen (IEEE Fellow)
University of South Florida, USA
Prof. Inkyu Lee (IEEE Fellow)
Korea University, South Korea
Prof. James Xiaojiang Du (IEEE Fellow)
Temple University, USA


 Invited Speakers 

Prof. Wenhui Chen
National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
Assoc. Prof. Raja Kumar Murugesan
Taylor’s University, Malaysia
Prof. Loc Nguyen
Independent scholar, Vietnam


 Parts of Conference Committee 

Prof. Smain Femmam
University of Haute-Alsace, France
Prof. Malleswara Talla
McGill University, Canada


 Best Presenters 

Session 1-Best Presenter
Oumaima Liouane, Bourgogne University, France
Session 2-Best Presenter
Karima Femmam, Mohamed Khider University of Biskra Algeria, France
Session 4-Best Presenter
Bilel Azzabi, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia