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Workshops: ICOAI 2024

ICCSIT 2024 - October 23-25, 2024 - Dubai, UAE

ICCSIT 2024 was hosted by University of Birmingham Dubai, Dubai. This conference is a hybrid event, combining both onsite and online participation.

Hosted by University of Birmingham Dubai, ICCSIT 2024 was successfully held in beautiful Dubai from October 23 to 25, 2024. This conference brought together scholars, researchers, and industry experts from around the world to discuss the latest developments and future trends in the fields of computer science and information technology.

Three influential keynote speakers were invited to give speeches, covering hot topics such as machine learning, blockchain technology, and cloud computing and its applications. Moreover, there are still four invited speakers delivered invited speeches.

The conference was divided into four parallel sessions, focusing on different themes for in-depth discussions. Each session attracted numerous participants who actively interacted and shared their experiences and insights. Attendees not only had the opportunity to listen to the latest research results but also to engage in extensive exchanges and collaborations, laying the foundation for future research and project partnerships.

 Keynote & Invited Speakers 

Prof. Fakhri Karray (IEEE Fellow)
University of Waterloo, Canada & The Mohamed ben Zayed University of AI, UAE

Prof. Keith W. Ross (IEEE Fellow & ACM Fellow)
NYU Abu Dhabi, UAE

Prof. Xianghua Xie
Swansea University, UK

Prof. Arti Arya
PES University, India

Dr. Lovell Hodge
Munich Re, Canada

Assoc. Prof. Mario Konecki
University of Zagreb, Croatia

Assoc. Prof. Ismail Bennis
University of Haute Alsace, France

 Best Presenters 

Onsite Session 1-Best Presenter: C2003
Razia Sulthana Abdul Kareem, University of Greenwich, UK

Onsite Session 2-Best Presenter: C0017
Tarek Helmy, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Saudi Arabia

Poster Session-Best Presenter: C2012
Mohammed Yahya Yousif, Independent Researcher, United Arab Emirates

Online Session 1-Best Presenter: C2029
Arijit Mitra, SP Jain School of Global Management, India

Online Session 2-Best Presenter: C1003-A
Maroua Ghamri, University of Jijel, Algeria

Online Session 2-Best Presenter: C0056
David Olayemi Alebiosu, Sunway University, Malaysia